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Teachers Workers Compensation Lawyer Serving NJ and PA

Robert Huber

Teachers Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Servicing New Jersey

Teachers are some of the most valuable professionals within our society. They provide essential education and mentorship and play a vital role in the development of American youth. Teaching is an extremely challenging  profession, however, and carries its share of injury risks. Stress-related injuries, workplace violence, and illness are among the  hazards teachers experience on a daily basis. If you or a loved one has been injured while employed as a teacher, contact our workers’ compensation law firm for a free consultation to review your case.

Teacher Worker-Related Injuries

Workplace violence is a very real risk for teachers, and unfortunately it sometimes goes unreported. A 2018 Ohio State University study revealed that one out of five teachers who experiences physical or verbal violence on the job does not report it to school administrators. More than 2,500 teachers reported they had been a victim of  some form of violence: 25% reported actual physical abuse or assault; 20% reported threats of physical violence; and 37% described verbal insults, disrespectful language, or inappropriate sexual advances.

In addition to abuse or assault, teachers are at risk of suffering stress-related injuries or conditions. The profession itself is notorious for high stress levels and this can have a profound impact on their health and wellbeing.

Teachers and COVID-19 Risks

Because teachers interact with students and parents in close quarters on a daily basis, the risk of illness has always been prevalent among education professionals. Statistics show that teachers miss about 12 workdays per year due to sickness and personal leave. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the risk of contracting serious illness has risen dramatically. While many school districts are taking steps to open safely, there are wide sweeping concerns from teachers across the country about the risk to both students and educational professionals during the reopening process. At the time of this publication, New Jersey is approaching 200,000 positive cases.

Why Hire a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer?

Consulting with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney offers you the best chance at maximizing compensation for injury. This is especially true in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, which has created complications within the legal system. Navigating the workers’ compensation process can be difficult, especially while recovering from a serious injury or illness. At Huber & Palsir, we have the legal experience and resources to handle all of your workers’ comp needs.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation to review your case.